Sunday, October 16, 2011


What is a Promise? As a Noun, It is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that guarantees that a particular thing will happen. (Merriam-Webster) As a Verb, It is to assure someone that one will definitely do, give, or arrange something; undertake or declare that something will happen. (Merriam-Webster) Should a promise always meant to be broken? Or should it always be fulfilled?

As per experience, promises are broken when one does not really meant what he said. A promise is being abused when it is used to appease someone to believe his words. A broken promise is a shattered hope. It is a betrayal of trust. So never promise when you can't keep it. Promise only when you know the words you say is true and never lie.

Believe it or not I am always a victim of broken promises. It's hard to accept broken promises because you longed for it for so long, you get so excited that you will get that promise soon. It is something you hoped to happen and yet you get dismayed and disheartened of the reality that the promise cannot be fulfilled because of so many unfounded reasons. Why do people promise when they know they can't keep it? Why?

If you're reading this, please stop promising when you don't know the meaning of it. Or worse, it may get you into trouble. ;-(

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